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Kevin Brady - Conroe, TX

Kevin Brady
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  2. Eat 'Em Up, Kats! Sam Houston State will make us proud in the championship game.
    Photo: Eat 'Em Up, Kats! Sam Houston State will make us proud in the championship game.
  3. Sure would be nice if they expanded all the way to D.C.!
    The rest of the country can't get enough of Brenham's Blue Bell Ice Cream, so the creamery is going to nearly double in size with a $14 million expansion.

    What's your favorite Blue Bell flavor?

    (Michael Paulsen / Houston Chronicle)
    Photo: The rest of the country can't get enough of Brenham's Blue Bell Ice Cream, so the creamery is going to nearly double in size with a $14 million expansion.

What's your favorite Blue Bell flavor?

(Michael Paulsen / Houston Chronicle)
  4. I'd like to wish my Chief of Staff, Doug Centilli, a very happy birthday! He's been by my side for many years and I appreciate his tireless efforts.
    Photo: I'd like to wish my Chief of Staff, Doug Centilli, a very happy birthday! He's been by my side for many years and I appreciate his tireless efforts.
  5. A picture from yesterday - on the floor ready to be sworn in and get to work!
    Photo: A picture from yesterday - on the floor ready to be sworn in and get to work!
  6. It's been great to be the lead Republican for the past four years in the Joint Economic Committee. Now that the gavel rotates back to the House, I have the privilege of chairing the committee I've invested an enormous amount of time in revi...talizing. I'm the third Texan to lead the committee, following Rep. Wright Patman (1957-1974) and Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (1979-1980). This was the committee where former Majority Leader Dick Armey made his mark. Learn more about the JEC and what it does here - More
  7. Please be careful on the roads.
    Get ready for a little Winter weather in southeast Texas overnight. David Paul reviews the latest Winter threat of a mix of rain/sleet for the local area.

    A 40% chance of a wintry mix begins North of line from Sealy, Spring to Liberty. No ...accumulations are expected, but we'll be monitoring bridges and overpasses. Tune in at 4, 5, 6 and 10 p.m. to see if this Winter weather will impact your commute Friday morning.

    Watch the forecast -->
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    Photo: Get ready for a little Winter weather in southeast Texas overnight. David Paul reviews the latest Winter threat of a mix of rain/sleet for the local area.

A 40% chance of a wintry mix begins North of line from Sealy, Spring to Liberty. No accumulations are expected, but we'll be monitoring bridges and overpasses. Tune in at 4, 5, 6 and 10 p.m. to see if this Winter weather will impact your commute Friday morning. 

Watch the forecast -->
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  8. Swearing-in day is always special and it's my privilege to take the Oath of Office to serve the wonderful people in the Congressional District 8 of Texas!
  9. I also want to welcome Texas Republican freshman Congressman, Roger Williams to Washington! I'm looking forward to working with these conservative Republicans from the great state of Texas!
    Photo: I also want to welcome Texas Republican freshman Congressman, Roger Williams to Washington! I'm looking forward to working with these conservative Republicans from the great state of Texas!
  10. Randy Weber has some big shoes to fill, but I'm sure he's up to the job. And I was glad to find out that he's just a couple of floors up. Welcome to Congress, Randy!
    Photo: Randy Weber has some big shoes to fill, but I'm sure he's up to the job. And I was glad to find out that he's just a couple of floors up. Welcome to Congress, Randy!
  11. No question that the Senate is gaining a solid conservative today with the new Texas Senator Ted Cruz. I'm glad to know that he's representing me!
    Photo: No question that the Senate is gaining a solid conservative today with the new Texas Senator Ted Cruz. I'm glad to know that he's representing me!
  12. I learned today that fellow Texan and returning Congressman, Steve Stockman, is in the same congressional office building and just around the corner. I welcome Steve back to DC and look forward to working with him!
    Photo: I learned today that fellow Texan and returning Congressman, Steve Stockman, is in the same congressional office building and just around the corner. I welcome Steve back to DC and look forward to working with him!
  13. Today, when I take the Constitutional Oath of office for the 113th Session of Congress, one of my fellow freshmen "classmates" will be absent - Representative Ron Paul.
    Whether you agreed with everthing he said or not, he has remained prin...cipled, thought-provoking and tireless in pursuit of liberty thoughout the years I've served with him. Two of my favorite Ron Paul quotes:
    - "There is only one kind of freedom and that's individual liberty. Our lives come from our creator and our liberty comes from our creator. It has nothing to do with government granting it."
    - " As long as we live beyond our means, we are destined to live beneath our means."
    Thank you, Congressman Paul, for your service to our nation.
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    Photo: Today, when I take the Constitutional Oath of office for the 113th Session of Congress, one of my fellow freshmen "classmates" will be absent - Representative Ron Paul. 
Whether you agreed with everthing he said or not, he has remained principled, thought-provoking and tireless in pursuit of liberty thoughout the years I've served with him. Two of my favorite Ron Paul quotes:
- "There is only one kind of freedom and that's individual liberty. Our lives come from our creator and our liberty comes from our creator. It has nothing to do with government granting it."
- " As long as we live beyond our means, we are destined to live beneath our means."
Thank you, Congressman Paul, for your service to our nation.
  14. Gov. Christie, Sen. Chuck Shumer and others want Congress to move quickly to approve a massive $60 billion recovery package for the Sandy storm. In the Gulf Coast we know the damage from these disasters - Hurrican Rita alone did as much damage to homes in Texas as did Sandy to New Jersey - so it's certainly understandable.

    But the initial bill had pork in it: $150 million for fisheries in Mississippi, Alaska and New England unrelated to Sandy; $20,000 to buy a new car for th...e Department of Justice's inspector general, cancellation of Hurricane Katrina loans, etc.

    With FEMA admitting they have enough money through the spring, House Republicans wanted a short time to eliminate the unrelated spending and fund the immediate recovery needs - while holding off on almost $40 billion in long-term spending that hasn't gotten much scrutiny at all.

    Given my own first-hand experience at how the federal government wastes disaster recovery money, I STRONGLY AGREE.

    WHAT DO YOU THINK? While moving quickly to address the immediate needs of Sandy communities, given the unprecedented size of the package shouldn't we scrub this bill to make sure every dollar is justified? How much of this debate is pure politics?
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  15. The Tax Foundation has updated their Tax Policy Calculator to show your 2012 tax liability, what you'll pay in 2013 (provided President Obama signs the Fiscal Cliff compromise bill), and what you would have paid had we gone fully "over the cliff."
  16. "In our judgment, though, the deal was worth passing. It will result in less economic damage than either doing nothing (and thus letting all the tax cuts expire) or adopting Obama’s initial position would have. It will also give the federal government less revenue to spend than either of those alternatives."
  17. In addition to blocking Congress from getting a pay raise, the major overriding reason for passing this bill was to reverse the New Years Day tax hikes on Texas families and small businesses – and to once and for all make lower taxes a perm...anent reality for 99% of Americans. That goal – to permanently lower taxes – is one I’ve fought for continually in the 11 years since the Ways & Means Committee first successfully passed the Bush era tax cuts.See More
  18. In this Senate bill - as disappointing as the tax rates on higher earners is, it's the long-fought permanency of the Bush tax cuts, a permanent solution to the AMT (which would shield 27 million more families from higher taxes) and a permanent death tax exemption of $5 million for family owned businesses and farms that is attracting more conservative and small business support as the day goes on.
    For me, though, it's all about the SPENDING. The CUTS are not in this bill. They need to be. That's what I'm focused on right now.
  19. I and my staff have spent the morning reading through the Senate fiscal cliff bill. Am also mid-way through a series of GOP briefings on the tax cuts, health care provisions and so-called spending cuts (difficult to find any real cuts in here). Here is the text of the bill for your review:
  20. Today the U.S. House will vote to override President Obama's executive order to grant pay raises to Congress. It was a juvenile political prank by the White House - we had already made it clear Congress would deny itself any salary increase for the fourth consecutive year.
    What's next for the President - toilet paper the Capitol?
  21. Talk on Capitol Hill is that the Senate is coming closer to a bill to raise taxes on families making over $450,000 and individuals over $400,000 plus an extension of unemployment benefits and the current death tax rate. There are still outstanding issues, but we'll post the final Senate agreement as soon as we see it. I want to know what you think...
  22. At work in my Capitol office, waiting for President Obama and Senate Democrats to act to avoid the fiscal cliff. The House is ready to consider the Senate bill the moment they act – if they do. Conventional wisdom: the President and Democrats choose to go over the cliff tonight for political gain. A political win for Democrats, a big loss for American families and small businesses.
    Photo: At work in my Capitol office, waiting for President Obama and Senate Democrats to act to avoid the fiscal cliff. The House is ready to consider the Senate bill the moment they act – if they do. Conventional wisdom: the President and Democrats choose to go over the cliff tonight for political gain. A political win for Democrats, a big loss for American families and small businesses.
  23. We have lost a great American and true patriot today. May General Norman Schwarzkopf rest in peace.
  24. It’s now up to the Senate Democrats to act responsibly — we know what that means. Senate Democrats have been avoiding tough votes on fiscal issues for some time. They haven’t passed a budget resolution for three years, though the budget act requires them to do so.
  25. Our prayers are with the families affected by the storms in our area, and throughout the country.
  26. I would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. This Christmas there is so much I pray for -- for peace in our troubled world, for those whose lives are troubled, for those whose lives ended far too soon, for those who are struggling to make the right decisions, for our men and women in uniform who are away from their families so we can safely be with our families, and for the young p...eople I’m nominating to our military service academies because they are about to face some of the most demanding - and also most rewarding -- times of their lives.
    I pray for a better 2013 for the families in my district – many of whom are still struggling in this economy and who have challenges they rise about every day. This Christmas, it’s my wish that you and yours have a moment to pray together and let the reason for the season lift you up and give you more strength.
    See More
  27. “[I]t could be a serious threat to our mission in the U.S.,” Sister Constance told TheDC, “because we would never be able to afford to pay the fines involved. We have difficulty making ends meet just on a regular basis; we have no extra funding that would cover these fines.”
  28. According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, Speaker Boehner’s alternative to the still-in-progress fiscal cliff negotiations with President Obama would permanently extend the 2001/2003 tax cuts for incomes up to $1 million and provide a total tax cut of $3.9 trillion over the next 10 years.
  29. We had more requests for inauguration tickets than we had tickets to give away, so my good friend Montgomery County Sheriff Tommy Gage helped us out by drawing names from his hat. Thanks, Sheriff! And congratulations to the people who had their names drawn! You'll receive notification from my office soon.
    Photo: We had more requests for inauguration tickets than we had tickets to give away, so my good friend Montgomery County Sheriff Tommy Gage helped us out by drawing names from his hat. Thanks, Sheriff! And congratulations to the people who had their names drawn! You'll receive notification from my office soon.

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