Congressman Duncan Issues Statement on 11th Anniversary of 9/11

Sep 11, 2012

“As we pause to remember the 11th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, we are reminded of those who perished on that day, and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice while defending our freedoms during the War on Terror. We will never forget the horrific assault on our brothers and sisters that September morning, nor will we allow their deaths to be in vain.”

“Use this time to thank our troops and our veterans, our first responders, and all those who work every day to keep us safe. Use this time to pray for our nation, to ask God for protection and for His Blessings on our country. Use this time to remember that we must always be vigilant, and to be reminded that the American spirit is the strongest in the world.”

“God Bless all who sacrifice to keep us safe, and let us never forget September 11th.”