Hearing on "Predatory Mortgage Lending: The Problem, Impact and Responses."
First Hearing in a Series

10:00 a.m., Thusday, July 26, 2001, Dirksen 538

Witness List and Prepared Testimony:

Panel One:

Victims of Predatory Lending:

Ms. Carol Mackey

Mrs. Mary Ann Podelco

Mr. Paul Satriano

Mr. Leroy Williams

Panel Two:

The Honorable Thomas J. Miller
Attorney General
State of Iowa

Mr. Martin Eakes
President and CEO
Self-Help Credit Union

Mr. Stephen W. Prough
Ameriquest Mortgage Company

Prof. Charles Calomiris
Professor of Finance, Columbia Business School; and
Co-director, Project on Financial Deregulation
American Enterprise Institute

Opening Statements of Committee Members

Chairman Paul S. Sarbanes (D-MD)

Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY)

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