Mike Reynard 202-225-1112

Blackburn Named Vice Chair of Energy & Commerce Committee

Washington, Nov 28 -

Congressman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) today was selected by Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) to serve as Vice Chair of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, which has jurisdiction over health care, energy regulation, manufacturing, and telecommunications issues.

“I am honored to have been chosen by Chairman Upton to serve as Vice Chair on the House Energy and Commerce Committee,” Blackburn said.  “As we get down to business in the 113th Congress, issue number one will be jobs and the economy. There is a simple formula that works every time: less taxation plus less litigation plus less regulation equals more innovation and job creation.

“I look forward to leading the efforts of my colleagues on the committee as we continue our fight to protect job creators from harmful and economically destructive regulations and identify opportunities to put Americans back to work.”

“Congressman Blackburn has been a rising star since she first arrived in Congress and I’m pleased to see that she has accepted an increased leadership role," said Speaker John Boehner. "Congressman Blackburn’s experience in helping shape energy, healthcare, communications and manufacturing policy will serve Chairman Upton well as the House Energy and Commerce Committee plays an influential role in restoring stability to our economic foundation. It’s important that our conference elevates valued members who work tirelessly for American taxpayers and Congressman Blackburn is without question deserving of such recognition.”

“Marsha Blackburn has a well-earned reputation as one of the hardest working Members of Congress and I look forward to working closely with her as our Vice Chairman,” said Chairman Upton. “I am confident that Marsha’s innovative solutions and communication skills will help shape the direction and success of our committee as we work to put our country back on a path to prosperity.”  

In the 112th Congress, Blackburn currently serves as Vice Chair of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade (CMT). As CMT vice chair, she also sits on the Oversight Subcommittee. Blackburn serves on two other critical Energy and Commerce Subcommittees: Health and Communications and Technology.