Opinion Editorials

  • Paul Ryan's reality check on budget hysteria: GOP plan bolsters the safety net
    May 18, 2011 - The ink wasn't even dry on the proposal when the wailing began. You might be excused for thinking the safety net was being dismantled. One Democratic senator wondered aloud whether the bill would prompt the widespread auctioning of abandoned children into slavery. A senior Democrat in the House of R... More
  • A budget for the 21st century
    April 14, 2011 - This week the House of Representatives will take the first real step in addressing our looming fiscal crisis by bringing “The Path to Prosperity,” a budget resolution for next year and beyond, to the House floor. This budget offers a clear contrast to the president’s speech on Wednesday. It offers a... More
  • Charting a path to prosperity
    March 10, 2011 - When it comes to the generation-defining challenge of our time - the explosive growth of our national debt - the president has failed to lead. His budget proposal doubles the debt, raises taxes by $1.6 trillion and locks in spending at historically high levels. We can do better. The American story i... More
  • House GOP committed to cut spending, reform government and grow the economy
    February 20, 2011 - Last week, the president offered a disappointing step in the wrong direction with a budget that locks in Washington's spending spree and adds $13 trillion to the debt. His budget would stifle job growth today and cripple future generations with a crushing burden of debt and taxes. Job creators under... More
  • Rep. Ryan on His Medicare Plan
    November 17, 2010 - The following was submitted by Representative Paul Ryan, Republican of Wisconsin. More on Mr. Ryan’s plan to change Medicare and reduce the deficit is here. For Medicare to meet its mission in the 21st century, this critical 20th century program must be secured for current and future seniors. Medica... More
  • A Roadmap to America's Future
    June 24, 2010 - Our dire fiscal and economic challenges -- coupled with Washington's insistence on making matters worse -- are no excuse for retreat or despair. They are cause for inspiration and determination. The stakes of the debt debate present not only a challenge -- but also a once-in-a-generation opportunity... More
  • Costs of this debacle will be high
    March 23, 2010 - The legislative victory among Washington’s political class comes at a high cost for Wisconsinites forced to swallow this bitter pill. This massive health care overhaul – a remake of one-sixth of our economy – will exacerbate the problems in health care this reform effort sought to address and will d... More

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