John Fleming

John Fleming


The Official Twitter account for the office of Congressman John Fleming M.D. (R-LA)

Washington and Northwest, LA ·

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Conservatives in the U.S. House & will take your questions today using from 11am-3pm ET. Join the conversation!

Boehner's comment tonight about "comprehensive approach" to immigration reform is puzzling and doesn't speak for me

Commander-in-Chief continues playing politics w/ military spending. His ultimatum: Raise taxes or drastic cuts begin.

Sad to learn of the passing of a pro-life hero. Nellie Gray fought tirelessly to end abortion. A life well spent.

White House admits this year's deficit will be $1.2 trillion. That'll make $5.20 trillion in debt over four years.

Liberals now admitting ObamaCare was not their end game and will not control cost. They are now hatching ObamaCare 2.0.


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