United States Department of Veterans Affairs
VOW to Hire Heroes Act 2011

VOW to Hire Heroes Act 2011 Get the assistance and job training you need to get a job

The Veterans Opportunity to Work (VOW) to Hire Heroes Act of 2011, provides seamless transition for Servicemembers, expands education and training opportunities for Veterans, and provides tax credits for employers who hire Veterans with service-connected disabilities.

VRAP Applications Are Open

We are accepting VRAP applications now. Please visit eBenefits to apply. Remember, to complete the application, you will need to know your direct deposit information (bank routing number and account number), the name and location of your school, the program you wish to pursue, and the applicable high demand occupation.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a School

We have put together a helpful guide that contains many factors that may assist you when choosing a school. Click here to access the guide.

Voc Rehabilitation


Up to one-year of additional Vocational and Rehabilitation and Employment Benefits for service-connected disabled Veterans.

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studying in library

VRAP offers 12 months of training assistance to Veterans who are at least 35 years old but no older than 60.

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Seamless Transition


Servicemembers may automatically qualify for VA Vocational Rehabilitation benefits.

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For Employers

Career Fair

Information for employers about tax credits for hiring long-term unemployed and/or service-connected Veterans.

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