U.S. Representative Sandy Adams | Representing the 24th District of Florida

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  • “It’s Time to Cut, Cap and Balance Our Nation’s Bloated Budget”
    Jul 19, 2011 - Representative Sandy Adams (FL-24) released the following statement after voting for H.R. 2560, The Cut, Cap and Balance Act of 2011, legislation that she has also cosponsored. This legislation would cut, cap and balance our nation’s bloated budget, forcing Washington to live within its means, whil... More
  • Adams Takes Debt Default Off the Table
    Jul 13, 2011 - Representative Sandy Adams (FL-24) announced today that she has signed on as a cosponsor to H.R. 2402, the Prioritize Spending Act of 2011. This legislation would direct the Department of the Treasury to prioritize their spending in the event that the United States reaches the statutory debt limit. ... More