U.S. Representative Sandy Adams | Representing the 24th District of Florida

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  • Sandy Adams Votes to Keep Taxes Low for All Americans
    Aug 1, 2012 - Rep. Sandy Adams (FL-24) voted to keep taxes low for all Americans today, supporting passage of the Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act. This legislation would ensure that tax rates for all Americans remain low, preventing a massive tax hike from taking place at the end of the year. The legi... More
  • Adams Statement on Tax Day
    Apr 17, 2012 - Representative Sandy Adams (FL-24) released the following statement on Tax Day. “Tax Day is a stark reminder of our nation’s complicated and broken tax code that costs our economy $160 billion a year in compliance costs alone. It is also a reminder of a system that isn’t fair. It isn’t fair that Ame... More
  • Rep. Adams Supports Removing Job-Destroying Regulations
    Feb 11, 2011 - Washington, D.C. – Representative Sandy Adams (FL-24) released the following statement today after supporting legislation that directs House committees to inventory and review agency rules and regulations that may stand in the way of job creation and private sector growth. “After being lambasted wit... More
  • Rep. Adams Co-Sponsors FairTax Legislation
    Jan 6, 2011 - Representative Sandy Adams (FL-24) issued the following statement after she co-sponsored H.R. 25, the FairTax, on the first day of session in the 112th Congress. If enacted into law, the FairTax would eliminate the IRS, letting Florida taxpayers keep more of their hard earned money and helping creat... More