
State Journal: Republican representatives tired of division in Congress

As the November general election gets closer, West Virginia's Republican Congressional representatives say they hope the new Congress will be more willing to work together.

Speaking at the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce's annual meeting and Business Summit, Reps. Shelley Moore Capito and David McKinley said Congress has several bills up for vote before the end of the year, and they hope they can work with members of the Democratic Party to do what's best for the country.

"We have a lot on our plate, a lot of responsibility, a lot to think about," Capito said. "Nothing will happen until November. We all know that, and that's probably a good thing because I think it would end up in more bickering and the gnashing of teeth we've seen. We as members of Congress need to lay down our arms, lay down our partisan beliefs and reach a compromise on the big issues."

Several tax cuts and credits are set to expire at the end of the year. Additionally, the debt limit is also set to expire while other taxes, such as the capital gains tax, will increase. This uncertainty is creating what Capito called a business purgatory.

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