
National Review On-Line: EPA to coal country: drop dead

Surprise: The GAO predicts that two new EPA coal regulations will cause a significant increase in electricity prices and create serious “reliability challenges” in many coal-dependent areas of the country. Via the Hill (my emphasis):

The GAO report said between 2 and 12 percent of coal-fired electric capacity would come offline as a result of the rules… The report also said adhering to the rules would be tougher in coal-heavy states, most of which are located in the South. It noted electricity rates could rise as much as 13 percent, though over time fluctuations might be less than historical levels.

Senator Jay Rockefeller (D., W.V.), who commissioned the report, mysteriously calls it a “victory for EPA supporters.” But I wouldn’t count on President Obama to trumpet these results in his campaign to win over the citizens of coal country in key swing states.

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