• Voting Record

    Gwen Moore

    Voting Record


Gwen Moore Commemorates Birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) joined the nation in commemorating the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She released this statement:

“Today, I am proud to join with all Americans as we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As our nation commemorates Martin Luther King Jr. Day, let us remember the legacy of the man who spread a message of peace and justice and challenged America to fulfill the true promise of Democracy.

“It has been 44 years since the death of Dr. King, yet the movement that he sparked so many years ago still lives on through us all. Prior to his passing, Dr. King announced plans for a Poor People’s campaign. The effort was formed to shine a light on the plight of the poor and working poor, and would have culminated with a March on Washington demanding a $12 billion Economic Bill of Rights guaranteeing employment to the able-bodied, incomes to those unable to work and an end to housing discrimination.

“Sadly, 44 years later this country continues to ignore the issue of poverty among Americans with a Republican-led Congress that seems content to respond to our economic crisis by attempting to balance the budget on the backs of the poor and cutting vital programs that would keep our children off of the streets and in school and keep families in their homes and fight hunger.

“In the spirit of Dr. King and his ‘Dream’ for equality for all people,  I introduced the Rewriting to Improve and Secure an Exit Out of Poverty Act (the RISE Out of Poverty Act or the RISE Act), an overhaul of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Block Grant(TANF). It is clear that for the past fifteen years TANF has systematically failed to adequately respond to the growing needs of our most vulnerable populations - eliminating entitlements, imposing harsh work requirements, and establishing barriers to education and training.

“Today as we celebrate this great man and his remarkable courage in the struggle for justice and peace, let us recommit to providing economic relief to the millions who are suffering across this country by addressing the root causes of poverty. We must provide support for education, job training, childcare, fair and affordable housing, universal healthcare and a living wage in an environmentally sound and sustainable economy that provides opportunity for all people. Only then will we truly realize Dr. King’s ‘Dream’.”


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