Protecting South Carolina Families


As you might have seen today, a new report shows the defense industry supports 140,000 jobs and $16 billion worth of economic activity in our state. The threat of the President’s sequester still stands as a piece of the fiscal cliff, and I am committed to protecting South Carolina families from the damaging effects that would occur if the sequester were to be implemented.

I have already voted to avert the sequester three times in the House, and will continue to make every effort possible to do so. We cannot afford to play political games with our nation’s security, and we cannot afford to play political games with the jobs and lives of thousands of middle class Americans. In Beaufort and Jasper counties alone, more than 12,000 jobs are military-based.

As we work to avoid the fiscal cliff, you can count on three things from me:

  • I will make every effort to avert the dangerous sequester
  • I will be a strong, vocal advocate for tax REFORM, not tax HIKES
  • I will work hard with my colleagues to find the common ground necessary to move forward – without compromising our principles


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