U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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News Releases

September 2012
Statement from Senator Coons on White House report on impact of sequester
July 2012
Senator Coons votes to extend middle class tax cuts
Statement from Senator Coons on President Obama’s call to preserve middle class tax cuts
February 2012
Senator Coons votes to avert tax increase on millions of middle class families
President Obama’s FY13 budget proposal balances deficit reduction with key investments
December 2011
Statement from Senator Coons on vote to continue middle-class tax cut, unemployment benefits
In floor speech, Senator Coons calls for continuation of middle class tax cuts
Senator Coons marks World AIDS Day, praises ambitious new goals of President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
August 2011
Senators Carper, Coons highlight federal funding for Amtrak
Delaware Delegation announces award to support landmark manure-to-energy project
Statement from Senator Coons on S&P; downgrade of United States’ credit rating
Senator Coons releases new Correspondence from the Commute videos focused on debt ceiling talks and responsible deficit reduction
Statement from Senator Coons on vote to avert default
July 2011
New Castle County’s bond rating now at risk because of Tea Party Republicans’ unwillingness to avert default crisis
In new web video, Senator Coons lays out the consequences of default
Senator Coons praises ‘gang of six’ framework for responsible deficit reduction
On Senate floor, Senator Coons talks about growing concern over a default crisis
June 2011
Senator Coons proposes Save As You Go mechanism for keeping both parties at the table in future deficit-reduction talks
Senator Coons votes to end subsidies for corn-based ethanol
May 2011
Senators Coons, Mikulski urge continued support for AmeriCorps and other service programs