REED KEEPS ATTENTION ON $14 BILLION IN OVERPAID BENEFITS; Roughly 11 percent of unemployment benefits were paid out incorrectly in 2011

Jul 13, 2012


Tom Reed is citing this week’s reports that approximately $14 billion in unemployment benefits were paid out to people who didn’t qualify for the benefits as his latest example of wasteful spending.  “This is just another case of how the federal government does not operate in a cost-effective manner,” Reed said.

“My criticism is not directed toward those receiving the benefits,” Reed explained. “It is directed toward a bureaucracy which has grown so large that $14 billion dollars – 11 percent of the total benefits – can be paid without any follow-up or oversight. Administering benefits in such an inefficient manner is an insult to both the taxpayers who pay for the benefits and those who need the temporary help that unemployment benefits provide.”  

The $14 billion in overpaid benefits during fiscal year 2011 went mainly to those who had quit their jobs, those who were simultaneously working and collecting unemployment, and those who were no actively looking for work. “We are nearly $15.8 trillion in debt.” Reed said. “Hardworking taxpayers deserve a level of accountability and efficiency when it comes to the stewardship of their tax dollars.”
