REED HIGHLIGHTS $750,000 TAXPAYER DOLLARS SPENT ON SOCCER FIELD IN CUBA; Calls money spent for field for Guantanamo Bay terrorist detainees an insult to taxpayers

Mar 30, 2012 Issues: Spending Cuts and Debt

Congressman Tom Reed is highlighting the 750,000 taxpayer dollars paid for a new soccer field for terrorist detainees in Guantanamo Bay as this week’s example of egregious and wasteful government spending.

“Those detained for involvement in terrorism against the United States have received a new soccer field while taxpayers tighten their belts and do without,” Reed observed. “School districts and municipalities go without money for new fields. Yet the government finds a way to build them for those who would destroy us?”  He further noted that even before the new field was built, there were already both indoor and outdoor soccer fields at Guantanamo.

“The government borrows more than $50,000 per second in the names of our children and grandchildren,” Reed said.  “Three quarters of a million dollars may be just a drop in the bucket of national spending,  but $750,000 is a lot money in upstate New York.   We shouldn’t be borrowing money for recreation for terrorists.  Paying for athletic fields for our enemies is an insult to taxpayers.”

The soccer field is Reed’s latest example in a series drawing attention to unnecessary spending. Reed has highlighted more than $463 million in waste in just the last few months.  

