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House Approves Military Construction-Veterans Affairs Funding Bill for Fiscal Year 2012

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05.24.11 FY 2012 MilCon/VA Bill - Adopted Amendments
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Washington, Jun 14, 2011 -

House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers today praised the passage of H.R. 2055, the fiscal year 2012 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations bill. The legislation includes a total of $72.5 billion in discretionary funding, which is $615 million below last year’s level and $1.2 billion below the President’s fiscal year 2012

“My colleagues on both sides of the aisle can get behind this bill that provides much-deserved support to our nation’s service-members, their families and our veterans. This legislation supplies our military personnel with the resources to effectively advance U.S. missions abroad and the support they need here at home, and protects the health and well-being of our veterans.” Rogers said. “This bill also seeks to address the urgent need to rein in federal spending in a time of historically high and dangerous deficits, and represents careful and responsible work to make the most of precious taxpayer dollars.”

“I am pleased that this important bill passed with bipartisan support. This bill shows that we can exercise fiscal restraint while still providing for the quality of life that our service-members and veterans deserve,” Subcommittee Chairman John Culberson said.

A summary of amendments to the FY 2012 Military Construction – Veterans Affairs bill that were approved by the House follow:


Culberson (R-TX) En Bloc consisting of the following amendments: 


·         Holt (D-NJ)/Runyan (R-NJ) amendment regarding suicide prevention,

·         Waters (D-CA) amendment regarding wait time for mental health services,

·         Altmire (D-PA) increasing funding for research,

·         Moore (D-WI) regarding a study of historic properties, and

·         Roe (R-TN) regarding electronic records.


This En Bloc amendment passed on a voice vote.

Mica (R-FL)
The amendment reduces the NATO Security Investment Program by $25 million, and increases funding for the Army National Guard – Construction by the same amount. The amendment passed on a voice vote.

LaTourette (R-OH)
The amendment strikes a provision in the bill that prohibits funding for the implementation of project labor agreements (PLAs). The amendment passed on a vote of 204-203.

Meeks (D-NY) The amendment prohibits the transfer of property at the St. Albans campus at the Department of Veterans Affairs. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.


Sherman (D-CA) The amendment prohibits the use of funds in contravention of the War Powers Resolution. The amendment passed on a vote of 248-163.


Flores (D-TX) The amendment prohibits funding to implement a regulation (U.S. Code 17142) requiring that federal contracts for alternative fuel must meet a requirement that the fuel purchased produces equal or less greenhouse gas emissions than conventional petroleum fuel.  The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.


Fitzpatrick (R-PA) The amendment requires veteran-owned businesses to receive all preferences accorded to other groups in government contracting. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.



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