Discussing the Role of Hospitals in Contributing to Economic Growth

Oct 4, 2011 Issues: Healthcare

Earlier today, I delivered remarks on the House floor on the role that our nation's hospitals play in not only providing critical health services to our communities, but also thier contributions to economic growth and job creation. Click below to view the full speech.  

Full remarks as prepared: 

Representative Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson

October 4, 2011

I rise today to recognize the many hospital professionals that serve every day to keep our communities leading strong, healthy lives.

Having spent 28 years as therapist, rehabilitation services manager and a licensed Nursing Home Administrator, I know first-hand the many challenges this industry continues to face.

Medicare and Medical Assistance payments are just a few of the many variables beyond a hospitals’ control.  

As Congress continues to work on issues impacting this industry, it is important to recognize the critical role our hospitals play in not only care delivery, but economic growth.  

In my home state of Pennsylvania, more than 584,000 individuals depend on hospitals for their jobs through direct or indirect employment.

The economic contributions made by Pennsylvania’s hospitals to local communities continue to increase, rising to $98.9 billion in 2010, up from $89.8 billion during 2008.

When 268,000 hospital employees spend money on products and services; it translates to nearly 317,000 additional hospital service related jobs, and more than $13 billion in employee compensation.

More than $27.2 billion in total labor income is generated directly and indirectly by Pennsylvania hospitals.

In 55 of the 67 Pennsylvania counties, hospitals remain among the top five employers, providing family sustaining jobs and solid benefits.

Every additional dollar in employee compensation in the hospital sector results in 92 cents of wages to other Pennsylvania industries.

At a time marked by so much uncertainty, lawmakers need to ensure that hospitals remain viable assets in our communities, where they can provide jobs, support other businesses, and continue offering these critical services.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.  I yield back.
