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Fleming to Congress: More Regulation Will Hinder Production

Washington, Feb 25, 2010 - Representative John Fleming, M.D. addressed the House of Representatives yesterday, expressing his disapproval of a recent Committee investigation by Reps. Henry Waxman (CA) and Ed Markey (MA) aimed towards giving the EPA unprecedented power to enact oppressive regulations on hydraulic fracturing, the technology that allows producers to reach natural gas. The text of the speech is below.

“Mr. Speaker,

The same team that brought America the job-killing, tax hiking cap-and-trade legislation appear to be at it again.

Just last week, Reps. Henry Waxman and Ed Markey began Committee action aimed towards giving the EPA unprecedented power to enact oppressive regulations on hydraulic fracturing, the technology that allows producers to reach natural gas.

This action would have a far-reaching negative impact on energy producers and consumers alike, particularly in formations such as the Haynesville Shale in my district which depend on hydraulic fracturing to produce.

In 2008, production in the Haynesville Shale pumped $4.5 billion into Louisiana’s economy and created over 32,000 jobs.

Adding additional layers of regulations to hydraulic fracturing would not only result in a sharp increase in costs to small and independent producers, it would dramatically decrease output and job creation.  

Production would essentially grind to a halt and billions of dollars in federal and state tax revenue would be at risk.

If Congress is serious about tackling this country’s energy crisis and ending our dependence on foreign oil then it is crucial they recognize what resources, such as the Haynesville Shale, will play in our long-term economic and national security.

More burdensome federal regulation will only serve to hinder production and feed this country’s addiction to foreign energy.”

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