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Thursday, April 29, 2010

In Historic Step, House Approves H.R. 2499, the Puerto Rico Status Bill

WASHINGTON, DC- “The U.S. House of Representatives took an historic step today, approving legislation to authorize Puerto Rico to determine its own political future. I am honored to belong to this legislative body, which has listened to my people and delivered justice to them,” Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi said after the conclusion of the vote on H.R. 2499, the Puerto Rico Democracy Act.

This evening, by a vote of 223 to 169, the House of Representatives passed Pierluisi’s bill, which establishes a two-step plebiscite process where voters in Puerto Rico can express their preferences as to whether they wish to maintain their present political status.

“Today, truth and democracy triumphed over fear, misinformation and paralysis. We have validated the principle that there is nothing more important than listening to the voices of four million men and women, American citizens, whose will has been ignored for years,” the Resident Commissioner said.

“Now we move to the Senate, with the confidence that this chamber will attend to this legislation, motivated by the desire to ensure that the people of Puerto Rico consent to the current governing arrangement,” he added.

Pierluisi thanked the members of Congress who listened—not to his personal appeals, but rather to the hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans who, in the last election on the Island, cast their ballots for those candidates who had pledged to pursue a fair and democratic procedure to resolve the staus question.

The Resident Commissioner reiterated his gratitude to Majority Leader Steny Hoyer for his support thoughout this process. He also thanked Democratic colleagues José Serrano (NY), George Miller (CA), Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL), and Natural Resource Committee Chairman Nick Rahall (WV), and Republican colleagues Mike Pence (IN), Dan Burton (IN), and Don Young (AK).

In addition, Pierluisi expressed his gratitude to the political leadership in Puerto Rico, headed by Governor Luis Fortuño.

I have to thank the Governor of Puerto Rico, my friend and partner, for his efforts. He and I made a promise. Today, we begin to make history. Thank you to the Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration (PRFAA) for its unconditional support. And to the Senate President and the Speaker of the House, Thomas Rivera Schatz and Jenniffer Gonzalez. As in so many other battles, they have come to Washington to be heard and to insist upon justice for their people,” Pierluisi said.

“Finally, I would be remiss if I did not express gratitude to civic organizations like LULAC and to the hundreds of private citizens who, with their own funds, came on multiple occasions to Capitol Hill to knock on doors. Among those citizens are many students, who have been fighting for a solution to this status problem since they were young, and whom I have seen walking the halls of Congress—full of pride, hope and determination,” he added.