
Energy Policy in America

SueMyrickNC09SueMyrickNC09·100 videos
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Uploaded on Apr 6, 2011

Over the past few weeks, we've all experienced pain at the pump. Gas prices have been rising steadily as unrest in the Middle East continues. It's having an impact on American families struggling to make ends meet, and small businesses that are trying to create jobs. It's apparent now, more than ever, that we must end our reliance on foreign oil.

The best way to lower gas prices is to use American resources. There are billions of barrels of oil on the Outer Continental Shelf, and in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Opening up ANWR for oil and gas production and expanding offshore drilling will reduce energy costs while creating thousands of American jobs. We have the ability to safely and efficiently drill in these areas, yet the Administration has used regulatory authority to delay or prevent domestic production.

Based on projected levels estimated before the President took office, current policies and regulations have decreased domestic oil production by sixteen percent. We can't afford it -- not in this economy. Less energy production at home means higher costs at the pump. It's as simple as that.

Domestic energy production is also a matter of national security. Each year, we send billions of dollars to Middle Eastern countries that do not like us. How can we ensure the safety of our citizens when the money that we send abroad could potentially be used against us?

Recently the House introduced the American Energy Initiative. Among other things, the Initiative will focus on expanding oil and gas production, and ending unnecessary regulations that will further drive-up gas prices. Rep. Myrick has also co-sponsored a group of bills that will prevent the EPA from using the Clean Air Act to implement costly greenhouse gas regulations, end the de facto moratorium on Gulf drilling, and to increase offshore areas available for oil and gas production leasing. All of these bills work toward lowering energy costs and adding thousands of American jobs. More information about all of these bills can be found on the Natural Resources Committee website.

Expanding domestic oil and gas production is vital to give our country the time to develop and adopt alternative energy resources. This will not happen overnight. We need oil and gas as a bridge between today and tomorrow.

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All Comments (3)

  • OurFadedGarden

    We could also just make cars as fuel efficient as they were back in the late 70s. Don't take my word for it. Look into it yourself.


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