Press Releases

DesJarlais SNAP Act Included as Part of Deficit Reduction Package
Legislation Will Help Replace Dangerous Cuts to our Military

Washington, May 09 -

WASHINGTON, DC –Representative Scott DesJarlais’ Stopping Needless Additional Performance Bonuses (SNAP) Act will be included as part of the Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act, which is scheduled to be voted on Thursday, May 10th, 2012.

The Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act will prevent across-the-board spending cuts to our military that are set to take effect this January as a result of the failure of the Supercommittee to cut $1.2 trillion dollars from our debt.

“While it is important to maintain fiscal discipline we must take steps to stave off across-the-board spending cuts that would harm our ability to meet any threat to America’s safety and stability,” said Representative DesJarlais.  “House Republicans have put forth legislation that reduces this unacceptable risk to our national security and replaces it with sensible savings and common sense reductions. This includes my bill, the SNAP Act, which repeals government funded bonuses given to states for efficiently signing individuals up for food stamps – a task that does not be incentivized with taxpayer dollars. The SNAP Act will save nearly $500 million dollars over 10 years.”

Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, warned Congress that under the current sequestration law, cuts to the nation’s defense capabilities would result in:

·         The smallest ground force since 1940.

·         The smallest fleet of ships since 1915.

·         The smallest tactical fighter force in the history of the Air Force.

More information on the SNAP Act can be found here.

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