Rep. Frank Guinta Urges Constituents to Take Precautions as Hurricane Sandy Approaches

Oct 26, 2012

Helpful Tips for Preparing for Tropical Storm Sandy


(Monday– October 29, 2012) With the remnants of Hurricane Sandy expected to pass through New Hampshire beginning this evening, sensible precautions still apply.  I urge my constituents to follow the latest weather reports before making any plans and to heed the advice of local public safety officials.  Although Sandy is not expected to cause our region the damage that past storms have, this is still a powerful storm system.

In preparation for Hurricane Sandy, there are several steps you can take to help prepare yourself and your family.  Granite Staters are encouraged to:

  1. Have an evacuation plan in place, including arrangements for pets if evacuation is necessary.
  2. Have a disaster kit ready, including a supply of nonperishable foods and water, along with a sufficient quantity of medications.
  3. Determine if your home is storm ready – clean out gutters, tie down or bring in outdoor furniture, prepare basements for flooding, etc.
  4. Keep in mind that communications may be down for extended periods of time should widespread power outages occur and plan accordingly.                                                         

Below I have included links to various agencies that will be tracking the storm and provide you with practical tips to stay safe in case Sandy comes to New Hampshire.  I will keep my website updated with any new information.

*LATEST UPDATE*: Governor John Lynch has declared a state of emergency.  Click the following link for more information: (hurricane readiness information including an action list for home and business owners) (if Governor Lynch declares a state of emergency, this site will be useful to obtain local emergency information) (The National Hurricane Center which is tracking Sandy.  This site is updated frequently based upon computer projections and observed data) (as Sandy approaches, weather sites like WMUR’s will provide additional information you will need to know about in case of landfall or a close pass to the New Hampshire seacoast) (river level prediction page available on this site)

In case of emergency, dial 9-1-1