Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe


An independant agency of the United States Government charged with monitoring and encouraging compliance with the Helsinki Final Act and other commitments of the 55 countries participating in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
Featured Photos
Last updated on 02/29/2012

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Her Majesty Queen Noor and Helsinki Commission Chairman Rep. Christoper Smith at the Hearing on Healing the Wounds of Conflict and Disaster: Clarifying the Fate of Missing Persons in the OSCE Area

Her Majesty Queen Noor
Rabbi Andy Baker presents Chairman Smith with the Congressional Leadership Award at American Jewish Committee’s 2011 Global Forum

Andy Baker and Rep. Smith
Chairman Smith with witnesses at a Northern Ireland hearing. March 16, 2011.

Chairman Smith - Northern Ireland
Rep. Payne asks witness questions while Chairman Smith listens on at at Northern Ireland hearing. March 16, 2011.

Rep. Payne asks witness questions
Chairman Smith speaks with witnesses after the May 4, 2010 hearing in the U.S. Capitol Building

Chairman Smith talks to a reporter after a hearing on the Balkans

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