Speeches and Floor Statements

Van Hollen Statement on H.R. 3803, District of Columbia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

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Washington, Jul 31, 2012 -

Mr. Speaker, I rise today in opposition to H.R. 3803, which unfairly targets the District of Columbia for a prohibition on abortions after 20 weeks, with no exception to protect a woman’s health. This bill is simply another in a long line of attempts by House GOP to undermine a woman’s fundamental right to choose.

H.R. 3803 directly contradicts Roe v. Wade by prohibiting pre-viability abortions and making no exception to protect a woman’s health. The narrow exception in this bill that allows for an abortion when it’s necessary to save a woman’s life is completely inadequate. H.R. 3803 does not include an exception for abortions that would prevent severe harm to a woman’s health, or for survivors of incest or rape.

Finally, the nature of this legislation derides the democratic process by empowering politicians to make health decisions for citizens that they do not represent.  The singling out of District citizens - who have never had the opportunity to elect a voting-Member of this body – is a cynical move that ignores their wishes and undermines the locally elected City Council and Mayor.  I urge my colleagues to oppose this misguided legislation.

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