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Burton Statement On IN Treas. Mourdock's Objection Filing

Posted by John Donnelly on May 22, 2009

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                            CONTACT: John Donnelly
May 22, 2009                                                                                                   (202) 225-2276




Rep. Dan Burton's Statement On IN State Treasurer Mourdock's Objection Filing In Chrysler Bankruptcy Responds to Hundreds of Chrysler Employees in Kokomo, IN, Who Contacted the 5th Congressional District Offices


WASHINGTON, D.C. - After receiving hundreds of phone calls and emails from employees of Chrysler's transmission plant in Kokomo who expressed concern over Indiana State Treasurer Richard Mourdock's objection filing with the court overseeing Chrysler's bankruptcy, Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN) issued the following statement:

"I am very concerned about Chrysler employees, their families, and everything they are going through right now. This is a very difficult time for the auto industry, and I want to do everything I can to help.

"With respect to Chrysler's bankruptcy proceedings, I encourage all of the parties--Chrysler management, the UAW and the bond holders and other secured creditors--to work together with the court to, if necessary, renegotiate Chrysler's bankruptcy filing to respect the legal rights of all of Chrysler's creditors, and allow Chrysler to reorganize and emerge
from Chapter 11 as quickly as possible. This is a time when everyone needs to work together to find solutions.

"Again, I have deep sympathy for the many Hoosiers who are suffering because of this economic downturn. While many have already lost jobs, I recognize the fact that thousands of people are waiting in earnest to see if their jobs will survive Chrysler's restructuring process. In an effort to put Hoosiers back to work, I'm hosting a job fair at Indiana Wesleyan University on June 29th where dozens of local businesses will be looking to fill hundreds of job openings."

About Congressman Burton's H.I.R.E Job Far:

Student Center at Indiana Wesleyan University
4201 S. Washington Street
Marion, IN

Monday, June 29th, from 9:00am to 5:00pm

Anyone looking for employment is invited to participate. Local
businesses will interview for a variety of jobs.

For more information or to register, visit or call 1-800-382-6020



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