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Raising Taxes is the Wrong Thing to Do

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                        CONTACT: Joshua Gillespie
April 13, 2011                                                                                                       (317) 848-0201

Raising Taxes is the Wrong Thing to Do

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN-05) issued the following statement after watching President Obama’s speech on his “budget do-over” which included raising taxes on families and small businesses:

“In February of this year, President Obama offered an irresponsible budget for Fiscal Year 2012 that would have imposed a job-crushing $1.5 Trillion tax hike and would have added $9.1 Trillion to the debt over the next decade.  After watching President Obama’s budget “do-over” speech today, it is painfully evident that he still doesn’t get it.  Our country is broke and the American people understand we can’t continue to spend money we do not have. 

“In the President’s second attempt to craft a budget, he failed to offer a serious proposal that addresses Washington’s spending and entitlement problem.  Instead, he’s relying on minimal cuts to government bureaucracy while raising taxes on families and small businesses.  Doing so is unacceptable and is the wrong thing to do get our economy back on track.  We need drastic cuts across the board in addition to lowering the tax burden on those who create jobs, not raise them.

“President Obama talked a lot about “shared sacrifice”, but the government should be the first to step up.  Consider that in the first ten years of the implementation of Obamacare, it is estimated that it will cost $2.6 Trillion.  If the President is truly serious about deficit reduction, would he at least consider delaying or scaling back a massive new entitlement program that is currently being received by no one? 

“My Republican colleagues and I are focused on cutting our bloated budget and bringing down our National debt and deficit.  Rep. Paul Ryan, Chairman of the Budget Committee, has put forth a responsible budget that focuses on job creation without raising taxes, that seeks to not spend money Washington doesn’t have, and that eases the burden of debt weighing down on our children’s and grandchildren’s future.  These are important steps to securing America’s present as well as its future.  We absolutely must get our fiscal house in order now.”



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