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Clay Announces $4 Million in New Grants to Support Stronger Families and Affordable Housing


STEVEN ENGELHARDT (314) 504-4029

Clay Announces $4 Million in New Grants to Support Stronger Families and Affordable Housing

Fathers Support Center, Beyond Housing, Better Family Life, Salvation Army Work to Strengthen Our Community

-ST. LOUIS- Congressman Wm. Lacy Clay (D) Missouri was joined yesterday in St. Louis by community leaders and officials from the Federal Home Loan Bank as he announced $4 million in new grants to support stronger families and build affordable housing in low-income neighborhoods.  His first stop was the Fathers Support Center, where he announced a $1.5 million demonstration grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to expand employment training and family responsibility classes for young men with children. “I want to personally thank President Obama and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius for assisting my efforts to build up this community.” said the Congressman.  “I was proud to support this grant for the Fathers Support Center. The work that you do here to mold young fathers into responsible parents is absolutely vital to the future of our community.”

At the afternoon event, Congressman Clay was joined by community leaders from Normandy, Pine Lawn, Pagedale, Vinita Park, Hillsdale, the City of St. Louis and the Normandy School District to announced $2.5 million in Federal Home Loan Bank grants to build and repair affordable housing in low-income communities and provide housing for homeless veterans. “The $2.5 million in new grants we are announcing today will help seniors and low-income families rehab their homes and stay in the neighborhoods that they love,” said the Congressman.  “We are also funding a program with the Salvation Army to directly combat homelessness among veterans.  The brave men and women who have worn the uniform of this country should never find themselves on the streets without a safe place to call home.  And I’m especially pleased that all this good work for our community is being funded without spending one tax dollar.”

The following organizations were awarded Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines Affordable Housing Program grants:

·       Better Family Life, Inc. and Midwest BankCentre

o       $500,000 grant    

·       Beyond Housing and Midwest BankCentre (2 grants)

o       $1.0 million grant    

·       Beyond Housing and First National Bank of St. Louis

o       $500,000 grant    

·        The Salvation Army and Heartland Bank

o       $480,000 grant