Rep. Renee Ellmers

Rep. Renee Ellmers


I am honored to serve the Second District of North Carolina in the United States Congress. Tweet with me today:

NC's Second District ·

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Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of the horrific violence in Connecticut.

RT : President Obama's tax hikes are bad for jobs and don’t fix the debt crisis, as this chart shows.

WATCH LIVE - hearing on the "State of Uncertainty: Implementation of PPACA's Exchanges & Medicaid Expansion"

18 Senate Dems are asking for “delay in the implementation” of the medical device tax. Why not vote on HR 436 - House passed bill to repeal?

When our national is equal to our entire economy, it's unacceptable to ignore serious spending cuts.

Add the president’s latest tax hike plan to the ObamaCare taxes, and you're looking at a $20,000 tax hike per family!

The best way to help American families is to get serious, and find a reasonable solution to the tax, spending and debt problem.


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