Foreign Affairs - Official Blog
Posts from January 2012

Washington, D.C. — The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs will host a hearing on Thursday, February 2, 2012 titled: “Ahmadinejad’s Tour of Tyrants and Iran’s Agenda in the Western Hemisphere.” As Iran becomes increasingly isolated and sanctioned by responsible nations, Ahmadinejad and the Iranian regime are taking bold steps to increase their presence and influence in Latin America. While on his “Tour of Tyrants” last month, Ahmadinejad visited the authoritarian leaders of Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. This concerted effort to create an anti-American coalition in the Western Hemisphere is a threat to U.S. interests and national security.

“Iran has been actively working for years to expand its ties and influence in the Western Hemisphere, and it has found willing partners in the region’s anti-American despots,” said Committee Chairman Ros-Lehtinen in a statement earlier this year. “The partnerships between the Iranian regime and the Castro, Chavez, Ortega, and Correa dictatorships include defense cooperation and economic pacts, and various other schemes designed to increase their power and harm America.”

The House Committee on Foreign Affairs will review what steps the United States should take in order to advance U.S. interests and foreign policy priorities while countering Iran’s attempt to secure a platform for their illicit activities in our region.

Thursday, February 2, 2012
10:00 a.m.

2172 Rayburn House Office Building


Norman A. Bailey, Ph.D.
Institute for Global Economic Growth
(Former Mission Manager for Cuba and Venezuela, Office of the Director of National Intelligence)

Mr. Michael A. Braun
Managing Partner
Spectre Group International, LLC
(Former Chief of Operations, Drug Enforcement Administration)

Mr. Michael Shifter
Inter-American Dialogue

Jose Azel, Ph.D.
Senior Scholar
Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies
University of Miami

NOTE: Further witnesses may be added.

Hearings held in Room 2172 of the Rayburn H.O.B. are available via live video through the Committee’s website at TV and Radio outlets must register with the House Radio-TV Gallery on Wednesday, February 1, 2012 after 4pm. Please call 202-225-5214 to register. Print reporters may contact Andrew Lee to reserve a seat at the press table.

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