Foreign Affairs - Official Blog
Posts from January 2011
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Courtney Gidner (Crowley), 202-225-3965
January 26, 2011 Audra McGeorge (Royce), 202-226-0702

India Caucus Co-Chairs Crowley and Royce Introduce Resolution in Honor of India’s Republic Day
Representatives Hail India’s Democracy, Call for Strengthening U.S.-India Relations

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Representatives Joe Crowley (D-NY) and Edward Royce (R-CA), Co-Chairs of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian-Americans, introduced H.R. 59, a resolution to recognize India’s democracy and constitution in honor of the country’s Republic Day. India’s Republic Day marks the day the country became a Republic and formed a parliamentary democracy through the adoption of a constitution. Today’s resolution recognizes India’s booming democracy, acknowledges the many contributions of the Indian-American community to American society, and calls for a renewed effort to strengthen the relationship between the two countries.

“Today, we celebrate and honor our good friend and the world’s largest democracy, India,” said Rep. Crowley. “There are many similarities between our nations, but none greater than our unwavering commitment to our shared values. Democracy is at the heart of our nations’ principles, our governments, and our economies. And, our people are stronger because of it.”

“On Republic Day, I join the millions of Indian-Americans in celebrating the establishment of the Indian constitution. Home to the world’s largest democracy and one of the world’s fastest growing economies, India has been an important partner to the United States. As co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian-Americans, I look forward to continuing to strengthen this relationship,” said Rep. Royce.

In December, Crowley and Royce were named co-chairs of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian-Americans for the 112th Congress. A bi-partisan group formed in 1993, the Caucus is an influential voice on issues pertaining to relations between the U.S. and India, as well as the growing Indian-American community in the U.S.

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Contact: Julia Thornton 202-225-5406
January 21, 2011

Representative Mike Kelly Chosen for Third Committee Assignment-- House Foreign Affairs

Washington, D.C.—Representative Mike Kelly (PA-03) has been appointed to serve on the House of Representatives’ Committee on Foreign Affairs, his third committee assignment for the 112th Congress.

The House Foreign Affairs Committee has jurisdiction over matters related to U.S. foreign policy, including legislation affecting national security, declarations of war, treaties, the deployment and use of the U.S. Armed Forces, foreign assistance, export controls, and other areas of international and diplomatic concern.

“I am grateful to Chairwoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen for the opportunity to serve on the Foreign Affairs Committee,” said Kelly. “I will work to ensure that America’s foreign policy is guided by and rooted in the values and democratic principles that make America a truly exceptional place.”

Representative Kelly said he is humbled by his appointment to the Committee and the opportunity it presents to help shape the national discourse on foreign policy. “When I was sworn in I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I take that oath very seriously,” said Kelly. “We are living in an increasingly dangerous world and any threat against the United States needs to be met with firm resolve. I will always defend our national security and economic interests, and will work to defeat any efforts that undermine those interests.”

While most freshman Congressmen are given only two committee assignments, Representative Kelly said his third assignment will allow him to further represent the interests of the 3rd Congressional District.

“My constituents sent me to Washington to advocate for pro-growth economic policies that will move our nation in the right direction,” said Kelly. “Manufacturers in the 3rd District and across America are closing shop or cutting jobs because of the penalizing and unfair trade policies that impact our ability to compete in the global market. As a businessman, I will work to make sure the concerns of American businesses are heard by the Committee as we work to create a more level playing field with our international trading partners.”

In addition to the Foreign Affairs Committee, Congressman Kelly will serve on the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, where he will serve as Vice-Chairman of the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and Procurement Reform, and on the Education and Workforce Committee.

(WASHINGTON) Congressman Don Manzullo (R-IL) today said the Obama Administration needs to get tougher in enforcing trade rules on China to give American manufacturers a chance to compete on a level playing field for jobs.

Manzullo, co-chair of the House Manufacturing Caucus, made his remarks during a Foreign Affairs Committee briefing this morning on China’s rise and its impact on the United States. Manzullo is Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific and is planning to hold several hearings this year examining our enforcement of trade rules with China and other countries in Asia.

“On one hand, China’s remarkable economic growth provides export opportunities to a market of over 1.3 billion consumers. However, as experience has shown, China’s unfair trade practices, including currency manipulation, illegal subsidies, and lax enforcement of intellectual property theft, make it difficult for the hardworking people of America to compete on a level playing field and benefit from this relationship,” Manzullo said.

In the northern Illinois Congressional district Manzullo represents, there are more than 1,400 manufacturers that support more than 51,000 jobs, according to the National Association of Manufacturers. Manzullo continually hears from manufacturers in northern Illinois and throughout the country about their difficulties trying to compete on a level playing field with manufacturers in China.

“These hardworking men and women want to know what their government is doing to enforce our trade laws with China and preserve America’s industrial base,” Manzullo said. “My experience with the Chinese Government is that it is in fact capable of stopping violators when they see it is in their interests to do so. With so many Americans out of work, now is the time for the Administration to work with Congress to hold China responsible and give American manufacturers a chance to compete with China on a level playing field so they can create jobs.”
Rep. Manzullo Website
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the first day of the 112th Congress, Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) introduced the Vietnam Human Rights Sanctions Act, a bill to impose sanctions on Vietnamese government officials who are complicit in human rights abuses committed against the people of Vietnam. The bill targets government agents, police officers, and others who commit egregious human rights abuses against peaceful dissidents with travel restrictions and financial sanctions.

"With the Communist government in Vietnam increasing its crackdown on human rights, Congress needs to respond. Those squashing freedom must pay a price," said Royce.

The legislation notes that Vietnam remains a one-party state that is ruled and controlled by the Communist Party of Vietnam, and continues to deny its citizens the right to change their government. Those who bravely speak out against the totalitarian system are frequently beaten, detained, or put under house arrest.

To exert pressure on the Vietnamese government, the Vietnam Human Rights Sanctions Act instructs the President to create a list of individuals who continue to wantonly disregard the human rights of the Vietnamese people. Those listed will be refused entry into the United States, and will be prohibited from doing business with U.S companies.

"The Obama Administration has been disturbingly silent on human rights. This legislation lets those in Vietnam struggling for freedom know that Congress stands with them," said Royce.

In addition to introducing the Vietnam Human Rights Sanctions Act, Royce once again introduced a resolution calling on the State Department to relist Vietnam as a “Country of Particular Concern” for violations of religious freedom. This resolution passed the House of Representatives in the last Congress on December 17, 2010.

"Building off last year’s success, I want to put this Congress on record that we will continue to fight for religious freedom in Vietnam. The Communist government continues its crackdown on peaceful religious practitioners, and it’s important that we continue to put heat on the oppressors and the too tolerant Obama State Department," said Royce.

Rep. Ed Royce is a senior member on the Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment Subcommittee. Additionally Royce serves on the Congressional Caucus on Vietnam and the Caucus on Human Rights.


Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) Website
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