Larson Applauds Deferred Action for DREAMERS

WASHINGTON – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) released the following statement on the decision by the Administration to protect DREAM-eligible youth from deportation:

“I applaud President Obama and Secretary Napolitano. With immigration reform blocked by the Republican Congress, they made the right decision today to provide young people who would qualify for the Dream Act a little relief.

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Larson Talks Economy & Jobs On Washington Journal

WASHINGTON – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) joined Susan Swain on C-SPAN Washington Journal this morning to discuss the economy and the lack of action on jobs by the Republican leadership.

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Congress Must Keep Student Loan Rates From Doubling

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Honoring Our Veterans and Service Members This Memorial Day

This Memorial Day, we pause to honor the lives and legacy of those who have fallen defending our nation. We owe our freedom to them and all the members of our armed services who fight and work tirelessly everyday on behalf of our nation.

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Larson: VAWA Should Protect ALL Women From Domestic Violence

WASHINGTON – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) released the following statement on the partisan passage of the House Republican Violence Against Women Act, which would put the safety and security of American women at risk:

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House Dem Leaders: Wall Street Gambling Bad for the Economy

WASHINGTON – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) and Vice Chairman Xavier Becerra (CA) were joined by Gene Guilford, the President of the Independent Connecticut Petroleum Association, and Professor Michael Greenberger, the former head the Department of Trading and Markets at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) for a press avail after the Democratic Caucus meeting this morning on the importance of reigning in oil speculators and enforcing the Wall Street Reform Law. You can watch the avail and read the transcript below:

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Larson Condemns Senate GOP Obstruction of Student Loan Bill

WASHINGTON – House Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson (CT) released the following statement today condemning Senate Republicans for refusing to even debate a bill that would have prevented interest rates on student loans from doubling in July from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent:

“Today, the Republican leaders proved once again that they would rather play politics than get to work fixing the problems facing American families.

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House Democrats

     Democratic Caucus           U.S. House of Representatives