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Burton Commemorates the Eleventh Anniversary of September 11th

Posted by Joshua Gillespie on September 11, 2012

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                CONTACT: Joshua Gillespie
September 11, 2012                                                                                                      (317)848-0201

Burton Commemorates the Eleventh Anniversary of
September 11th

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN-05) issued the following statement to commemorate the eleventh anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001:

"It is with a heavy heart, we pause today to remember a day that shook our Nation at its very core.  What started out as a normal and peaceful Tuesday morning was devastated by the shock and heartbreak beset upon us by evil men hell bent on destroying our very way of life.  What they did not realize and could never understand was how with our country's unique resolve, the indomitable American spirit would rally as one to confront their brand of evil wherever it chooses to ingrain itself.

"So much has changed since that unforgettable morning, but no matter how much time passes, we must always remember the families of those lost loved ones.  We must not forget the first responders who made the ultimate sacrifice while rescuing victims caught in the blazing infernos of the Pentagon and the World Trade Center.   Or the Heroes of Flight 93, who were the first to fight back over the skies of Pennsylvania with the rallying cry of ‘Let’s Roll!’Those who lost their lives must never drift far from our minds.  Finally, we cannot ever forget the sacrifice of our brave men and women in uniform who continue to fight bravely every day to preserve the freedoms we hold so dear. For their service we are forever grateful.

"We will never forget September 11th."


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