Frankly Speaking

Washington D.C. Internship Opportunities

Nov 26, 2008

I would like to encourage all college-aged students in the Third Congressional District to apply for a Spring internship in my Washington D.C. congressional office.

Filed under: Constituent Services

Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving

Nov 21, 2008

While our country is currently facing uncertain economic times, we still have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.  There are those in this world who live in countries where food is scarce, corrupt and oppressive regimes control every aspect of life, safety is a feeling most have never known, and freedom is word rarely used.  Those images are hard to imagine in this country that has long-served as a beacon for hope and freedom across the world.  We have much to be thankful for in America, and should reflect upon those things this Thanksgiving and give thanks for all that we have.  

Filed under: General

Preparing for the Digital Television Switch

Oct 16, 2008

Beginning February 17, 2008, television signals will only be broadcasted digitally, meaning that Americans who only use antennas will no longer be able to receive their analog signal.  Households who have cable service of any kind will not be affected by this change, but there are an estimated 19.6 million people who do currently receive analog signals only.

So what does this mean for you?  If you are currently only receiving an analog signal through an antenna for your television, you have three options.

Filed under: Constituent Services

My Concern with the Bailout Bill

Oct 3, 2008

Today, I voted against the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008.  This was one of the toughest decisions I have made in my 14 years as a United States Congressman, and I know that many of my constituents will be disappointed with my vote.  They, like myself, are concerned about the state of our economy and the impact the turmoil on Wall Street may have on their retirement savings, pension fund, or even bank account.  However, as concerned as I am about our economy, the cost and significance of this bill coupled with the haste in which it was crafted was of greater concern to me.

Filed under: Economy

It's Time to Change Our Change

Sep 25, 2008

Many of you have been hearing the word “change” thrown around by presidential campaigns recently, but I want you to think about the change in your pocket.  Initially, a coin’s worth determined their shape and size, meaning that a 5 cent piece was made of 5 cents worth of silver.  In the late 1800s, Congress, pressured by the nickel lobby, discontinued the silver 5 cent piece, commonly referred to as the half-dime, and began minting a 5 cent piece made of nickel.  Over time, inflation and the rising cost of nickel has made the nickel not cost efficient.  Currently, the cost to make and ship

Filed under: Financial Services Committee

Welcome to My New Blog 'Frankly Speaking'

Sep 15, 2008

I would like to welcome you to my new blog, Frankly Speaking. 

Frankly Speaking will give me an opportunity to communicate with the fine people of the Third Congressional District.  On this blog, I will be able to post my thoughts on current events, information on upcoming legislation or committee meetings, and important news from home.  I will continue to reach out through my 50 townhall meetings and through the local and national media.  However, Frankly Speaking will allow me to keep you informed more quickly on a wide variety of issues and topics. 

Filed under: General
