U.S. Senate Democrats
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U.S. Senate Democrats

U.S. Senate Democrats
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  1. The Senate mourns the loss of President pro tempore Daniel Inouye. Senator Reid shares the sad news:
  2. Senator Reid, reflecting on the tragedy in Newtown, Conn., told his colleagues that "part of that healing process will require Congress to examine what can be done to prevent more tragedies" (video)
  3. Senator Reid, reflecting on the tragedy in Newtown, Conn., told his colleagues that "part of that healing process will require Congress to examine what can be done to prevent more tragedies" (video)
  4. 18 days remain until middle-class tax cuts expire. If House Republicans fail to act, families nationwide will face a tax hike of $2,200. Are House Republicans listening? Watch to learn more:
  5. 18 days remain until middle-class tax cuts expire. If House Republicans fail to act, families nationwide will face a tax hike of $2,200. Are House Republicans listening? Watch to learn more:
  6. Republicans say they want to extend middle-class tax cuts, but it has been 4 months since the Senate passed it's middle-class tax cut bill. Democratic senators urge the Republican-led House to act (video):
  7. Only 26 days remain for House Republicans to take up and pass the Senate middle-class tax cut bill. If they fail to act, every American family’s taxes will automatically go up. Click below to see the clock, and "share" to urge action
  8. What does $2K mean to you? If House Republicans fail to act before the end of the year, every American family’s taxes will automatically go up. Add your voice to this debate. Use the comment section below to share what $2,000 means to you and your family
  9. In the coming weeks: we'll share updates on ceremonies and events slated to surround President Obama's Inauguration (Jan. 21), but also be sure to check out the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies -- a great resource for inaugural news and notes
    Since 1901, the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies has been responsible for the planning and execution of the swearing-in ceremonies and the luncheon for the Inauguration of both the President and Vice President of the United States at the U.S. Capitol. For more complete informat...
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  10. Senator Reid reminds Congress that the fiscal cliff could be avoided tomorrow, if only the House would take a certain step.. (video):

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