Sarbanes, Cardin Kick Off Adult Education & Family Literacy Week in South Baltimore
- 9/10/2012
Sarbanes, Cardin Kick Off Adult Education & Family Literacy Week in South Baltimore

BALTIMORE – U.S. Congressman John Sarbanes and U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (both D-Md.) today kicked off Adult Education and Family Literacy Week, an effort by the National Coalition for Literacy to raise awareness of the needs of adult learners, as well as elevate the issue among policymakers, members of the media, and communities around the country, at the South Baltimore Learning Center (SBLC).

“For more than twenty years, the South Baltimore Learning Center has helped provide people with the skills they need to find and keep a stable job,” said Congressman Sarbanes. “By investing in adult education services, we promote our greatest asset – the entrepreneurial American worker.”

“More than 90 million adults lack the literacy in reading and math they need to succeed,” said Senator Cardin.  “That is a shocking statistic and as we kick off Adult Education and Family Literacy Week, we need to recommit ourselves to ensuring that all Americans have the skills they need to find a job and become productive members of our society who can contribute to our economy.”   

Congressman Sarbanes and Senator Cardin have cosponsored a resolution to recognize September 10 – 16, 2012 as National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week, calling much needed Congressional attention to the critical role adult education and family literacy plays in the lives of adult learners, their families, and our communities.

In Maryland, more than 40 percent of jobs require a high school diploma or GED, yet more than 140,000 adults in Baltimore City fall short of these qualifications. Organizations like the SBLC support adult education initiatives and provide increased access to employment opportunities through individual tutoring, classroom programs, computer training, and career and higher education counseling. 


John Sarbanes
John Sarbanes
John Sarbanes
John Sarbanes
John Sarbanes