Sarbanes Applauds Administration’s Plan to Prevent Drilling at Mouth of Chesapeake Bay
- 11/9/2011
Contact Brianne Nadeau 202-225-4016

Sarbanes Applauds Administration’s Plan to Prevent Drilling at Mouth of Chesapeake Bay

Washington, DC – Yesterday, Department of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced a new five-year plan for oil and natural gas drilling that will exclude drilling at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay.

“I commend the Department of Interior’s decision to exclude the Mid-Atlantic-region in its new oil and natural gas drilling proposal,” said Congressman John Sarbanes. “The Chesapeake Bay is the soul of our state and a $1 trillion economic engine for fishing, tourism, property values and shipping industries.  A drilling accident would wreak havoc on our marine ecosystems, fishing and tourism industries.”
The Department of Defense has also expressed concerns about drilling operations on 2.2 million acres because of its impact on training operations and shipping channels. With these areas unavailable, only 660,000 acres are were being considered for potential drilling, and were estimated to yield only one day’s worth of domestic oil consumption.  The environmental and economic concerns about potential drilling accidents on this parcel remain unaddressed and far outweigh the potential benefits of accessing these limited resources.  
The newly proposed five-year plan for 2012-2017 does not include any lease sales for the Mid-Atlantic-region, but energy companies will be permitted to conduct seismic surveys to identify unknown areas of oil and gas.  The Department of Interior will be accepting public comments on the proposal for 90 days before issuing its final environmental impact statement and plan to Congress and the White House.  Congress will then have 60 days to review the proposal.   

“As the tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico vividly demonstrated, offshore oil and gas drilling remains a dangerous business and I have serious concerns about drilling so close to the Chesapeake Bay,” said Congressman Sarbanes.
Earlier this year, Congressman Sarbanes offered an amendment during the Natural Resources Committee’s mark-up of H.R. 1230, the Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act, to eliminate a provision in the bill that would require lease sales for drilling off the coast of the Delmarva Peninsula.  
John Sarbanes
John Sarbanes
John Sarbanes
John Sarbanes
John Sarbanes