- 4/26/2011
Sarbanes visits Green Business Lorax Partnerships, LLC

April 26, 2010
Columbia – Today Congressman John Sarbanes visited Lorax Partnerships, LLC as part of a District tour highlighting efforts to protect the Chesapeake Bay.

“I’m happy to highlight the efforts businesses in Maryland are making to protect our environment and preserve the Chesapeake Bay,” said Congressman John Sarbanes. “We often talk about the 17 million people living in the Bay Watershed, but we need businesses to become environmental stewards as well.”

Lorax Partnerships, LLC provides green building consulting services to developers, building and business owners, architects and other real estate professionals interested in improving the environmental performance of their company, building or development project.  Lorax also helps organizations improve their environmental performance by reducing waste, lowering energy costs and minimizing or neutralizing their carbon footprint. The building in which Lorax is based is LEED-certified and was constructed by Manekin Construction, which has its headquarters in this building.  
Sarbanes recently re-introduced the Save the Bay Homeowner Act of 2011. This legislation would allow the 17 million citizens of the Chesapeake Bay watershed to become citizen stewards of the Bay by developing a “Save the Chesapeake Bay Home” designation program that identifies various steps homeowners could voluntarily take around their property to reduce nutrient and sediment runoff and improve water quality in local streams and rivers that feed into the Bay. If a participating home meets certain standards, such as installing rain barrels or reducing fertilizer on their lawns, that home could be designated a “Save the Chesapeake Bay Home.”  The legislation further directs the EPA to give credit to states and local jurisdictions for nutrient and sediment level reduction based upon the number of homeowners that achieve the “Save the Chesapeake Bay Home” designation.
John Sarbanes
John Sarbanes
John Sarbanes
John Sarbanes
John Sarbanes