- 3/9/2011
Washington, DC – Today Congressman John Sarbanes re-introduced the Firefighter Fairness and Flexibility Act. This legislation, which passed the House of Representatives during the 111th Congress but died in the Senate, would correct a longstanding disparity between professional firefighters who are employed by States, counties, or municipalities and federal firefighters.
In 1985, Congress amended the Fair Labor Standards Act so that firefighters around the country could engage in a practice called “trade time.” Trade time allows two firefighters, solely at their option and with the approval of their supervisor, to trade shifts without affecting the pay of either firefighter. The Congress made this change because firefighters work uncommon schedules involving 24 hour shifts and 72 hour work weeks, followed by a period of time away from the firehouse. Trade time enables firefighters to meet personal obligations such as attending a child's birthday or assisting a sick family member without exhausting their annual leave. It also ensures that firehouses across the country can maintain staffing requirements and keep our communities safe.
“Federal firefighters work side-by-side with their non-federal colleagues, so this is an issue of equity,” said Sarbanes. “Correcting this inequity will help federal agencies recruit and retain firefighters. Just like other firefighters, federal firefighters risk their lives on a daily basis. They also accept the irregular hours that their jobs require. This legislation merely gives them some modest flexibility to balance that irregularity and meet their family obligations.”
John Sarbanes
John Sarbanes
John Sarbanes
John Sarbanes
John Sarbanes