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Social Security

“We have a responsibility to seniors to see that we provide them with a decent standard of living.  Social Security has been the linchpin of that commitment for decades.  I believe this time tested program must be maintained and strengthened.  Efforts to privatize the Social Security system will not improve its solvency, but instead will restructure and harm the most durable safety net program in American history.” - Congressman Adam Schiff

Topics in This Section:

  • Assistance with Social Security Issues
  • Preserving Social Security
  • Protecting California Pensioners
  • Guaranteeing Fairness for Notch Babies
  • Additional Resources

Assistance and Casework

Are you having trouble dealing with the Social Security Administration or the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on an issue related to your benefits?  If so, Congressman Schiff may be able to help.  Visit his Social Security casework page here.

Protecting Social Security

Social Security is the cornerstone of the New Deal and is the most successful anti-poverty program in our nation's history.  It has helped millions of seniors achieve financial security in their golden years.  For those retirees who are fortunate, Social Security is a steady supplement to their pension plans and private investments.  For many others, it is their only source of retirement income.  In fact, 860,000 of California’s 4.3 million Social Security recipients have no other source of income.  Congressman Schiff is committed to protecting Social Security to ensure it continues to work for this generation and for future generations.

Fixing the General Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision

The General Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) are provisions of the Social Security Act that negatively impact social security payments for thousands of Californians who have worked in public service.  These two titles unfairly hurt individuals who have devoted much of their careers to public service, including thousands of teachers.  When these individuals retire, they find that their Social Security payments are often significantly less than expected because of the WEP and GPO.  Congressman Schiff is an original cosponsor of the Social Security Fairness Act – legislation that would eliminate both provisions, restoring fairness to the Social Security system.

In past Congresses, he has also supported efforts to bring this legislation to the House Floor for an up or down vote.

Fairness for “Notch Babies”

The Social Security Amendments of 1977 substantially altered the formula for computing Social Security benefits.  These changes affected people who became eligible for Social Security benefits in 1979.  Individuals born between 1916 and 1927, referred to as “notch babies,” saw their benefits decrease compared to those who were born before and after them.  Congressman Schiff believes this was unfair, and has cosponsored legislation to correct this arbitrary change.  Under the Notch Fairness Act of 2012, workers who turned 65 between 1981 and 1992 could choose either a lump sum payment over four years of $5,000 or a higher monthly payment over a 10-year period.

Additional Resources

Social Security Administration


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