Congressional Caucus Membership
A Congressional Member Organization (CMO), commonly referred to as a Caucus, is a group  of Members of the United States Congress who meets to pursue common legislative objectives. These coalitions works to promote and educate other Members on their priorities.

Congressional Caucus Membership

Center Aisle Caucus (co-founder and co-chair)
A bipartisan group of members committed to promoting civility and a positive dialogue in Congress by fostering a working relationship based on mutual respect and understanding of ideological differences. For more information, please visit the Center Aisle Caucus page.
Pollinator Protection Caucus (co-founder and co-chair)
Pollinators, such as honey bees, are responsible for an estimated one out of every three bites of food that we eat, and thus are an essential aspect to life. For this reason the Pollinator Protection Caucus works to strengthen the United States’ relationship with honey producers and bee keepers, as well as provide educational opportunities for Members of Congress on issues affecting the political, economic, and national security of pollinators and their habitats.
Congressional Animal Protection Caucus
Formerly known as the Friends of Animal Caucus, the Animal Protection Caucus promotes information regarding the well-being of animals. The Caucus seeks to inform members about reasonable and genial legislation on the issue.
Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth
As our nation contains more than 424,000 kids in foster care, the Caucus seeks to promote legislation regarding Safety; Permanency; Well Being; Educational Opportunities; and Youth, Family, and Community Engagement. The ultimate goal is to increase the number of kids who leave foster care to have access to the best future possible.
Congressional Dairy Farmers Caucus
The Congressional Dairy Farmers Caucus is a bipartisan body that works to best represent those involved with dairy production, including producers and consumers. The Caucus’ goal is to enable legislation that addresses health and dietary issues.
Congressional Farmer Cooperative Caucus
The purpose of the Caucus is to promote legislation and programs so that farmers can band together to improve their economic welfare. The caucus hopes to accomplish its goal through affirming the significance of cooperation among farmers and supplying information regarding the economy and pertinent legislation.
Congressional Rural Caucus
The Congressional Rural Caucus aims at elevating concerns issues specific to rural areas. The Caucus serves to facilitate ways in which rural areas can be enriched and advanced.
Congressional Task Force on Childhood Obesity
Due to such a high rise in childhood obesity, the Caucus seeks to collaborate with schools, families, communities, and other government bodies to contend with the issue. The purpose of the Caucus is to advocate relevant public policy and work with organizations to educate people.
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus
The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus is a bipartisan coalition aimed at discussing and promoting renewable energy and energy efficient policies and technologies.
Republican Study Committee
The Republican Study Committee serves to advocate traditional conservative values and to promote a limited Constitutional view. The Committee also acts a resource for conservative House members.
Rural Health Care Coalition
The Rural Health Care Coalition strives to find ways to adequately fund rural health care. The purpose of the Coalition is to make available the best health programs, no matter where a person resides.