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For Release: Friday, July 15, 2005
Contact: David Gillies: 202-225-5661


Washington - An amendment offered yesterday by U.S. Congressman Jerry Costello (D-IL) to prevent the outsourcing of U.S. jobs and services was defeated on a tie, party-line vote, 18-18.  The amendment was offered during full Science Committee consideration of a bill to reauthorize the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA). 

Costello has attempted to offer similar legislation in the Science Committee and on the House floor over the last two years.   Costello also offered an amendment to require NASA to produce a report annually that lists the contracts that are performed overseas and the procurement of goods and services from foreign firms, which passed.

"I am going to keep after this," said Costello.  "It makes no sense to me that the Republican majority consistently votes to protect international laws that have never been challenged, while American jobs continue to leave the country.  The courts can decide if my language goes too far.  We should err on the side of American workers, not international trade bureaucrats."

Costello's language aims to do two things and is included in the base NASA legislation:  1.) prohibit federal jobs from being outsourced to foreign nations, and 2.) require NASA contracts for goods and services being performed in the U.S. to continue to be performed in the U.S.   However, Science Committee Chairman Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) added a provision to the Costello language making it contingent on international trade agreements, which will keep Costello's language from being implemented.  Costello's amendment would have removed Boehlert's provision. 

"This is merely an excuse to maintain the status quo," stated Costello.  "It is hard to convince our students to pursue scientific and technical careers when they see those jobs leaving the country, and our economy will suffer for this."



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