Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler | Representing Southwest Washington's 3rd District

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Press Releases

Jaime Herrera Beutler applauds FAA decision to delay restrictions on Pearson Field
Proposed restrictions will be delayed for at least 30 days

Vancouver, Sep 24 -

Jaime Herrera Beutler today applauded the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for its decision to delay the proposed “Pearson Box” restrictions on Pearson Field.  With only five days to go before they were scheduled to go into effect, the FAA announced that it will delay the restrictions for at least 30 days.

“This decision is very good news for Pearson Field, and all of the pilots and businesses who would be negatively affected by these regulations,” said Jaime.  “I’ve worked diligently alongside the many stakeholders in this community who care deeply about this issue – local pilots, the City of Vancouver, Pearson Field, air traffic controllers, my congressional colleagues – to help get this delay.   I’ll continue to assist however I can to achieve a more reasonable solution that allows Pearson Airport to continue operating and contributing to our economy.”

Over the last several months, Jaime and her staff have been coordinating stakeholder meetings to collect concerns and identify next steps to address the restrictions.  On September 18, Jaime sent a letter to the FAA urging the agency to table the “Pearson Box” proposal.  

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