Chairman Hastings and Ranking Member Lisa Murkowski Send Letters to BSEE Director Watson and NOAA Administrator Lubchenco on Greenpeace Protests in Arctic

WASHINGTON, D.C., July 13, 2012 -

Dear Mr. Watson:

Greenpeace is pledging to impede planned exploratory drilling operations in arctic waters off the north coast of Alaska this summer. A protest fleet, including a 216-foot ice class ship, two large rigid hull and four small inflatables, two submarines, and a drone is reportedly en route to participate in these activities. Allowing intrusions by any group to disrupt or threaten federally-permitted operations is a direct threat to the careful planning and safe operations necessary for these activities and puts in jeopardy those workers and our environment, as well as the subsistence interests of Alaska's Native people.


Dear Dr. Lubchenco:

We share your concern for ensuring proper oversight of oil and gas operations on the Outer Continental Shelf. In that regard, we want to be sure that you have the resources, and are planning and prepared to respond to the steps that Greenpeace is planning to impede exploratory drilling operations in arctic waters off the north coast of Alaska. A protest fleet, including a 216-foot ice class ship, two large rigid hull and four small inflatables, two submarines, and a drone is reportedly en route to participate in these activities.

Read the entire letters HERE.