December is Safe Toys & Gifts Month

Dec 7, 2012

If you are shopping for toys this December, make sure you review the important facts about toy safety and visit these informative websites:

Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC): The CPSC is responsible for protecting the public from the negative effects of thousands of consumer products. Visit the CPSC's website to find helpful tips and report a potentially unsafe product.

While shopping, it's important to remember:

  • Read all warnings and instructions
  • Consider a child's ability as well as age; age warnings are not necessarily guarantees of safety
  • Avoid toys with sharp or rigid points or otherwise dangerous edges
  • Repair or replace damaged or defective toys
  • Store toys properly to avoid trips and falls
  • Supervise children's craft projects; scissors and glue are among the most dangerous objects to a young person's eyesight
  • Keep older children's toys away from younger children's toys


You can find these helpful tips and more at the website of Prevent Blindness America's Safe Toy Checklist.

Stay safe and enjoy the December season!