Tune in to watch Speaker Boehner's Press Conference | 12/13/12 @ 11:15 AM ET | CLICK HERE TO WATCH


Tag: #StopTheTaxHike

House Speaker John Boehner released the following statement today:

December 5, 2012

In his meeting with big business CEOs today, the president didn’t say whether he’d respond to the Republican plan. When asked by Bloomberg News yesterday when he’ll be responding, he deflected.

December 5, 2012

Speaker Boehner today called on President Obama to respond to the offer put forth by House Republicans to avert the fiscal cliff with a balanced approach...

December 5, 2012

While President Obama meets with big business CEOs today, Republican leaders are meeting with a group of small business owners who will get hit if President Obama raises tax rates instead of cutting spending.

December 5, 2012

Just 15 miles down the road from the president's rally is a small business that can’t afford to pay the higher tax rates he demands.

November 30, 2012

While President Obama was meeting with big business CEOs today, the Washington Post says small businesses – the ones facing the fiscal cliff’s tax rate hikes – are concerned the administration is pushing “policies that protect big companies while

November 14, 2012

In a statement yesterday, Speaker Boehner called for action to avert the fiscal cliff that would destroy 700,000 jobs, and move toward “a fairer, simpler, cleaner tax code” and entitlement reforms to boost economic growth and help address America’s skyrocketing debt.

November 8, 2012

President Obama is threatening to drive the economy off the fiscal cliff if he isn’t given a small business tax hike Ernst & Young says will destroy more than 700,000 American jobs, The Washington Post reported yesterday.

October 19, 2012

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and other proponents of raising taxes on small businesses are either intentionally misleading the American people -- or they’re calling for a $5 trillion increase.

October 15, 2012

A new survey out this week underscores the study by independent accounting firm Ernst & Young that shows President Obama’s tax hike on small businesses will destroy more than 700,000 jobs (a fact Speaker John Boehner notes the president didn’t dispute yesterday).

October 4, 2012


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