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VIDEO RELEASE: We'll Skip Recess If Senate Acts


WASHINGTON, D.C.- U.S. Representative Randy Hultgren (IL-14) said today that he supports House leadership’s commitment to returning to Washington for the purpose of sending a solution to the president’s desk, should the Senate act to stop the impending tax hike and defense cuts.


Traditionally, members of Congress return to their districts during the month of August to avoid the hottest, muggiest month of the Washington year.

But given our current circumstances (and the invention of air conditioning), I think we should break that tradition.

Senate Democrats have passed the President’s plan to raise taxes.  A family of four earning $50,000 a year will see their taxes increase by more than $2,000 per year. House Republicans have passed the only plan in Washington to stop the tax hike in its entirety.

A new report finds the increases will cost more than 700,000 American jobs. I stand by House leadership, who stated this week that if the Senate takes action to address these threats, the House will be in Washington during August for the purpose of sending solutions to the president’s desk.

We have a job to do, and 23 million unemployed Americans are waiting.

