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Hultgren: Time for TSA to Stop Playing Games

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today released the following statement after the Oversight & Government Reform Committee and Transportation & Infrastructure Committee jointly issued a report documenting millions of dollars of waste and ongoing management failures at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

“We learned in this week’s committee hearing that the TSA has nearly $200 million in equipment in Dallas, Texas- collecting dust. Worst of all, TSA management tried to hide the equipment inventory from Congressional staff.

“The committees have recommended several courses of action, and I agree: it’s time to freeze new bulk equipment purchases for the TSA unless it can prove a bona fide need. Its whole procurement process must be overhauled and the agency itself should undergo an unclassified audit. While the CIA is uncovering actual terrorist plots, the TSA is playing hide-and-seek with Congress… and with taxpayers’ money.”
