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Hultgren Statement On UNESCO's Vote To Admit Palestine

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today issued the following statement after the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) voted to admit Palestine as a member of the organization.

“In granting Palestine membership, UNESCO acted recklessly and undercut the prospects for lasting peace in the region,” said Hultgren. “Instead of unilaterally seeking recognition through the United Nations, Palestinian leadership should return to the negotiating table and work to advance its cause through discussions with Israel.”

Shortly thereafter, the U.S. Department of State complied with U.S. law and announced that it was ending its funding of UNESCO.

“I also applaud the State Department’s rapid response to the UNESCO vote; withholding funds from UNESCO is not only the legally correct thing to do it, is the morally right thing to do,” said Hultgren.