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Hultgren Statement On the November Jobs Report

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today released the following statement regarding the November unemployment report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

"Our nation’s jobless rate has now been stuck at or above 8 percent for 34 straight months and at 9 percent or higher for 28 of those months," said Hultgren. "While the unemployment rate in November dropped, it's important to remember the main driver for that: 315,000 Americans who gave up looking for work and therefore cannot be counted as unemployed. In fact, those exiting the workforce last month greatly outnumbered those who found jobs, which is a troublesome sign for the future."

 "Clearly the current economic policies have failed and we need an immediate change in direction. That's why the House Republicans have passed, and will continue to pass, pro-growth, pro-jobs bills that will restore the confidence our nation's job creators need to build, invest, expand, and put Americans back to work.

"Unfortunately, more than 20 of those bills, which would lower taxes, restore reasonable regulations, reduce spending, and create a smaller, less intrusive federal government, continue to languish in the do-nothing Senate which refuses to address the needs of unemployed Americans."

Additional Background:

A full list of the bills awaiting Senate action is available here.

Unemployment has been at or above nine percent for 28 of the last 30 months, and above eight percent for 34 consecutive months, the longest stretch since the Great Depression.